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Local Governing Body - Cloughwood Academy

Cloughwood Academy Governors Business & Pecuniary Interests
Full Name Date of Appointment Appointed By Term  Date of Resignation/Term Ended Business/Pecuniary Interests Role
Mr Richard Haffenden 07/12/2022 Trust Appointed 3 Years N/A None Governor
Mrs Hannah Madeley 07/12/2022 Trust Appointed 3 Years N/A None Chair of Cloughwood LGB
Mrs Barbara Murphy 28/02/2024 Trust Appointed 3 Years N/A None Governor
Mr Robert Newton 25/02/2020 N/A N/A N/A None Headteacher
Mrs Tracey Offord 11/10/2023 Trust Appointed 3 Years N/A Assistant Headteacher Buile Hill Academy Governor
Mr Ian Patterson 28/09/2022 Trust Appointed 3 Years N/A None Governor
Mrs Lisa Richardson 25/01/2023 Trust Appointed 3 Years N/A None Governor
Mr Graham Shaw 17/11/2021 Trust Appointed 3 Years N/A None Governor
Miss Jane Thomas 28/09/2023 Elected by School Staff 3 Years N/A None Staff Governor
Mr Jason Whittaker 27/09/2023 Elected by School Staff 3 Years N/A None Staff Governor
Historic (left within last 12 months) 
Full Name Date of Appointment Term Date of Resignation/Term Ended Role

Miss Samantha Howarth








Staff Governor


Mrs Rachel Orme




3 Years




Staff Governor